
Allan’s Story

Allan first came to Wayside at just 14 years old.

Allan was 10 years old when he became a carer to his mother who was living with a terminal diagnosis. Over the years she was sick, Allan stayed up all night making her hot drinks, cooking meals and carrying her from her wheelchair to the bed. Her illness meant she also had difficulty going to the bathroom without her young son’s help.

In the background, his father isn’t coping. He kicks this young boy out onto the streets. But each time, the young boy returns home despite the violence to care for his mother until she takes her last breath.

After his mother eventually passed, his home was no longer safe. So he turned to the streets, where he lived, until the day he walked into Wayside Chapel.

“When your spirit feels like it’s broken and you don’t have family…Wayside is there”

Allan heard about Wayside from someone he met on the streets and decided to ‘check it out’. Here was a place where Allan, for the first time, could feel safe and welcome.

Frontline staff helped him secure accommodation and provide necessities to get him back on his feet. Best of all, he was surrounded by a community of people encouraging him to celebrate and explore his talents. Wayside was a chance for Allan to start piecing his life back together. 

Over the years, Allan grew from a scared, teenage boy to a confident young man, with a passion for singing. Music was a way for Allan to stay focused and off the streets. Allan busks at places around Sydney, delighting passers-by and recently, wrote his first song and produced his own music video. 

Allan is a much-loved member of the Wayside community. He loves participating in Aboriginal Cultural Centre activities and always there to help out, or have a chat. He is an inspiration to us all.

Watch Allan speak about his story below. 

Provide support to people like Allan and become a monthly giver to Wayside Chapel. Click here. 

If you require assistance, information or immediate support, the following services and organisations may be able to assist:

Lifeline 13 11 14 – 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.



1800 737 732 – 24 hour support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse

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